Information security consulting Information security consulting

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

VA & PT unit can assess the security levels in a subjective accurate way; so that our clients can exactly know what to do to secure their critical systems and control their vulnerabilities. Simply; Systems have bugs, applications create vulnerabilities (opening ports and decrypt certain data), and patches are mandatory for operating systems and most of the applications. obile uses and dynamic portals and VPN, All of these are major causes for vulnerabilities that must be controlled.

Information Security Management Systems

Information security management system is a set of policies and procedures, and risk controls that assess the risks on your information systems, manage their risks, and secure your facility upon NIST, ISO, HIPPA, PCI-DSS, all of which governed by our AI engine which provides an applicable ISMS governance and real-time reporting for AI-optimized compliance.


Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

We design and implement business continuity and disaster recovery plans (Business Continuity Planning (PCBs), Disaster Recovery Planning (DRPs). isaster recovery centers, its design and Implementation “Upon the best international standards\military standards).

Embedded Systems Security

Each computing system has its own special purpose(s) operating system is called an embedded system, dominant systems of the future. So miscellaneous, from embedded computers that control industrial systems, to airplanes, from computerized missiles to automated homes, and from physical security devices to automobile systems

Digital Forensics

Both public and private sectors are making security policies and regulations to have legal assurance and accountability for medium to large enterprises. Monitoring compliance with Modern digital forensics reporting (periodic and aperiodic). Modern investigations for security events, It’s for training investigators and auditors. The Governance Frameworks are (COBIT, TOGAF, ITIL, All complying with ISO standards).

Governance Frameworks

  • A.COBIT Governance Frameworks
  • B.TOGAF Framework
  • C.ITIL
  • D.All complying with ISO related standards

Social Engineering

Automated and structure social engineering tools. Our social engineers can apply all kinds of social engineering. A cascaded process of work that aim to assess the effect of human resources on business operations; which ends with the state of the art ocial engineering reports (event-triggered “incidents”, and periodic).

Operation & Maintenance Operation & Maintenance


To maximize value and reduce risk, your outsourced soc provider must be an active member of your team and must be as integrated as feasible. Your systems, data, and services will be handled by our knowledgeable personnel as if they were their own. Initial tickets raised to highlight symptoms of compromise frequently result in solution tuning workshops and consulting by your soc to aid with continuing improvement by helping you uncover potential visibility or defensive weaknesses.


Human Resources are our first priority. Training and Awareness for all of the services presented. e have partnerships with leading academies in the MENA region, Europe, and USA, along with interactive awareness campaigns, which include professional KPIs to assess the added values beyond training and awareness. We present Sustainable training partnerships and Military and Civilian Training in all fields of information security and governance.

AI-Driven IT Governance AI-Driven IT Governance

Our customized services include applying AI, and cyber-security on IT service management, governance, and architecture. Embedding AI into your COBIT framework, ITIL, and TOGAF would guarantee your business’ adaption to Industry 4.0 revolution.


AI In Statistics AI In Statistics

The Critical Role of AI in Data Governance for Official Statistics

Government agencies worldwide face growing data privacy and security challenges as they collect vast amounts of sensitive information for national statistics. However, advanced artificial intelligence solutions by SBS can enable robust, automated data governance to uphold privacy rights and public trust.

AI-Driven Governance Systems- SBS' State of the Art AI-Data Governance:

SBS' AI solutions, including AI governance frameworks empowers real-time monitoring, auditing, and risk analysis across networks and databases. Machine learning algorithms identify usage patterns to flag anomalies and prevent insider threats. AI agents can also dynamically apply access controls, encryption, and anonymization to safeguard data. SBS integrates API Chatbots to deliver privacy training and advice to employees.

Automated Compliance and Enforcement

AI auditing tools by SBS continuously scan systems and data flows to verify alignment with regulations like GDPR and NIST. Natural language processing parses legal text to check policies against laws. Smart workflows ensure transparency, consent, and data subject rights. AI identifies non-compliant activities and triggers appropriate interventions.

Intelligent Access Control

Context-aware AI systems by SBS make authorization decisions for each data request, verifying identity, intent, and environment before allowing access. AI learns trusted patterns to detect suspicious anomalies. User access logs are analyzed by AI to provide complete audit trails.

Privacy Risk Analysis and Mitigation

Advanced machine learning analyzes datasets to model potential privacy harms from linkages or inferences. SBS AI data governance model identifies high-risk data and applies differential privacy, k-anonymity, and other algorithms to enable insights while protecting identities.

Ongoing Evaluation and Improvement

AI continuously measures governance outcomes and risk metrics to identify issues and model optimal policies. Bots crawl external regulatory sources to update rulebooks and keep practices current. Feedback loops allow ongoing enhancement of algorithms and processes.

In Summary

SBS guarantees integrating AI-driven automation into data governance transforms oversight from periodic audits to continuous, intelligent analysis. SBS AI solutions enable granular privacy enforcement and proactive risk mitigation tailored to each dataset. With the speed and scalability of AI, data protection keeps pace with exponentially growing datasets. By harnessing AI's potential, official statistics agencies can uphold public trust and secrecy while securely collecting complete, timely data for policy-making.

By: Dr. Amer Albsharat
SBS 2023, all rights reserved 

AI in Education AI in Education

AI solutions for the education sector provided by Smart Business Systems (SBS):


Reimagine Education with SBS AI


At Smart Business Systems (SBS), we provide advanced AI solutions to help learning institutions like universities enhance educational experiences, operations, and decision-making. Our AI applications for the education sector include:


Adaptive Learning Systems - SBS designs personalized, student-centric courseware that adapts in real-time based on individual learner needs, empowering educators.


Predictive Analytics - Leverage machine learning models on your institutional data to identify at-risk students, improve recruitment strategy, and provide insights for better resource allocation.


Interactive Virtual Assistants - Implement AI-powered chatbots as customizable digital tutors, teaching assistants, and customer service agents to support students and faculty.


Automated Assessment - SBS algorithms auto-grade written assignments, tests, and projects to provide quick feedback while reducing faculty workloads. Our AI is engineered to grade impartially.


Simulated Environments - Immerse students in interactive virtual labs, clinical scenarios, and roleplaying environments powered by our deep learning and 3D simulation capabilities.


Administrative Efficiency - Automate repetitive tasks in registration, record keeping, scheduling, and more to boost productivity. Our natural language interfaces facilitate IT support and campus services.


At SBS, we are passionate about collaborating with education institutions to create AI solutions that enhance learning, improve student outcomes, reduce costs, and enable data-driven decisions. Contact our experts today to explore how AI can help your organization.

ecure and Ethical AI for Education from SBS


At SBS, we build AI to not only enhance education but also foster trust, ethics, and security across your institution's IT ecosystems. Our offerings include:


Cybersecurity Solutions - SBS secures educational IT environments and sensitive student data via multilayered defenses including network monitoring, endpoint protection, access controls, encryption, and automated threat response.


Responsible AI Development - We provide curriculum, certifications, and labs for educators to instill ethics, human values, and societal consciousness in AI courses and research projects.


Multimodal Biometrics - Our AI systems can seamlessly integrate fingerprint, face recognition, voice matching and other biometrics modalities for robust student/faculty authentication while preserving privacy.


Synthetic Media Detection - With advances in AI-generated content, SBS delivers cutting-edge media forensics to detect deepfakes, audio spoofing, and falsified documents that could compromise integrity.


Human-AI Collaboration - SBS experts show institutions how AI and human intelligence can complement each other across teaching, learning, problem solving, and administration to amplify strengths.


Strategic Consulting - We offer big-picture guidance on AI strategy, risk management, and governance to align your education technology roadmaps with institutional values and priorities.


To explore how SBS can help your university or college deploy secure, ethical AI that uplifts your community, contact our industry specialists today.

Agriculture with SBS AI Agriculture with SBS AI

Revolutionizing Agriculture with SBS AI

At SBS, we leverage cutting-edge artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide transformative solutions that empower farmers to increase yields, conserve resources, and manage operations more efficiently. Our tailored AI technologies for the agriculture sector include:

Precision Agriculture Analytics

The SBS analytics engine assimilates real-time data from sensors, satellites, drones, weather forecasts and more to generate ultra-precise insights that allow for micro-level optimization of irrigation, fertilizer, pesticide application across farms. This prevents wasted resources and maximizes crop health and quality. Our AI also enables early detection of disease outbreaks and yield predictions.

Autonomous AI Farm Equipment

The SBS self-driving tractor, harvesters, and other robotic farm equipment equipped with computer vision and deep learning algorithms can tirelessly operate around the clock, enabling zero-waste harvesting. Our AI dynamically adapts to changing crops and terrain for optimal efficiency. SBS also provides predictive maintenance analytics to maximize uptime.

Agricultural Robotics

SBS agribots can intelligently prune vines and trees, pick ripe produce at peak freshness, weed, monitor soil conditions, and support general farm tasks to aid farmers. On dairy farms, SBS robotics autonomously control feeding, milk cows, clean barns, and track livestock health.

Climate and Ecosystem Forecasting

The SBS AI modeling system synthesizes climate, satellite, and ecological data to generate predictive insights on weather, crop cycles, pest outbreak likelihood and more for both short-term planning and long-term climate adaptation.

Market Trend Analysis

SBS AI parses millions of agriculture data points to detect emerging food consumption patterns, supply chain issues, and commodity price fluctuations. This allows farmers to optimize crop selection, planting, distribution planning.

AI Farm Management Assistants

Our virtual assistants use natural language interfaces to help farmers optimize schedules, finances, equipment usage, storage, and labor. SBS chatbots provide 24/7 support and facilitate bookkeeping, reporting, and compliance.

Precision AI Spraying Drones

SBS designs advanced drones powered by computer vision and deep learning to scan fields and precisely spray pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers only where needed, reducing chemical usage. Our drones detect crops vs weeds and adapt spraying in real-time for efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Let our AI and agriculture experts craft customized solutions to take your farm to the next level through the power of artificial intelligence! Contact SBS today.

Industrial AI Services Industrial AI Services

Optimize Operations in Factories and Facilities with SBS AI:

Manufacturers and industrial facilities are turning to artificial intelligence software to automate processes, boost quality control, reduce downtime, and provide data-driven insights to streamline operations and maximize profitability. SBS develops customized AI solutions tailored to the unique needs of factories, plants, and warehouses.

Intelligent Production Planning:

The SBS AI production planning assistant analyzes demand forecasts, inventory levels, equipment availability, and supply chains to generate optimal dynamic schedules. Our system adapts to changing requirements in real-time for efficient workflow.


Predictive Maintenance:

Leveraging machine learning algorithms, SBS predictive maintenance analyzes sensor data from equipment to identify potential failures before they occur. This enables proactive maintenance to avoid downtime and ensure the line keeps running.


Automated Quality Control:

SBS AI vision systems autonomously scan products at all stages to detect minute defects traditional methods may miss. By flagging quality issues instantly, factories can contain costs and maintain their reputation.


Inventory and Logistics Optimization:

SBS AI optimizes warehouse layouts, stock levels, material handling, and shipping logistics to increase storage density, order fulfillment rates, and throughput while reducing waste.


Anomaly Detection for Safety:

By analyzing sensor streams in industrial environments, SBS AI can identify potentially hazardous anomalies in temperature, vibrations, pressure, etc. and alert operators before mishaps occur.


Intelligent Demand Forecasting:

Leveraging both historical data and external factors like weather and market trends, the SBS forecasting AI reliably predicts consumer demand to optimize manufacturing, inventory, and fulfillment.


Reduced Energy Consumption:

SBS systems analyze usage patterns to minimize power consumption on production lines without affecting output. Our AI also optimizes HVAC and facility-wide energy use.


At SBS, we work closely with clients to develop AI systems tailored for their facilities and processes. By partnering with SBS, industrial organizations can enhance productivity, quality, safety, sustainability, and profitability. Let our team of AI engineers and subject matter experts craft solutions to take your operations to the next level!

AI for Services-Oriented Sectors AI for Services-Oriented Sectors

Elevate Your Service Company with SBS AI Solutions

Service companies and organizations in sectors like healthcare, financial services, retail, transportation, and more can leverage the power of AI to streamline operations, improve customer satisfaction, and gain competitive advantage. SBS provides customizable artificial intelligence solutions tailored to your business needs.


Intelligent Customer Service Chatbots

SBS designs AI-powered chatbots to handle routine customer inquiries and transactions, providing 24/7 self-service. Our natural language interfaces feel like conversing with a human while integrating with your back-end systems. This frees staff for complex issues.


Predictive Analytics for Proactive Service

SBS AI analyzes internal data and external signals to predict customer needs, identify risks, and guide proactive outreach. Our machine learning models enable segments of one marketing and service personalization.


Computer Vision for Process Automation 

SBS applies computer vision techniques like image recognition, object detection and more to automate visual tasks in services. Our AI can approve claims, assess documents or facilities, and enhance quality control.


Fraud Detection and Risk Mitigation

Leveraging millions of data points, our AI detects patterns indicating fraud, default risk, or abuse in real-time so your company can take preventive action before financial or reputational damages occur.


AI-Optimized Scheduling and Routing

SBS optimizers schedule appointments, route delivery vehicles, assign cases, and manage workflows to maximize efficiency, timeliness and capacity utilization based on real-time constraints.


Predictive Maintenance for Service Assets

By analyzing telemetry data from equipment, fleet vehicles or other assets, SBS AI identifies anomalies, predicts failures, and prescribes preventive maintenance to avoid service disruptions.


SBS partners with service companies to apply artificial intelligence, machine learning and optimization algorithms tailored to their operations and customers. Boost service quality, efficiency and growth by leveraging the power of AI. Let our experts customize solutions for your organization!

SignSpeak: AI in Sign Language Translation SignSpeak: AI in Sign Language Translation

SignSpeak - Real-time Sign Language Translation

SignSpeak is a real-time sign language translation service enabling seamless communication between deaf and hearing individuals. Using advanced computer vision and natural language processing models trained on open source datasets, SignSpeak can translate sign language gestures into text and speech.

Our service allows users to have free-flowing conversations by automatically translating between sign language and spoken languages. Users simply have a video chat with our app open, sign to each other, and SignSpeak displays the translations in real-time.

The translation models are built using multiple machine learning libraries l We leverage public sign language datasets such to train the models to understand varied signing styles. The translations are highly accurate and our models are continuously improved through new data.

SignSpeak removes communication barriers and expands social and professional opportunities for the deaf community. Our service is free to use and optimized for web and mobile devices. SignSpeak translates between multiple sign languages including ASL, BSL, Auslan, and more. We provide enterprise plans for organizations looking to improve accessibility.

AI Military Services AI Military Services

At our company, we are committed to working ethically and legally by providing AI and autonomous technologies exclusively to authorized military and governmental users. We have sophisticated controls in place to ensure compliance with all applicable domestic and international laws.

Our tailored solutions leverage cutting-edge artificial intelligence to enhance national defense capabilities. We offer a wide range of intelligent drone and drone swarm technologies including:

  • Autonomous surveillance drones equipped with high-resolution cameras, sensors, and computer vision that can be programmed to monitor set patrol routes, track objects of interest, and identify potential threats. Drones can provide 24/7 perimeter security using object, facial, and activity recognition algorithms.
  • Coordinated drone networks that operate collaboratively to provide enhanced monitoring over a large area. Networks stay in constant communication to synthesize data from multiple drone vantage points for more comprehensive insights.
  • Specialized drones designed for terrain mapping, change detection, and environmental monitoring to quickly survey areas of interest and detect alterations over time. Advanced sensors precisely capture geographic and infrastructure details.
  • Logistics drones that can autonomously transport small cargo payloads to frontline units, eliminating risky manual deliveries. Drones navigate independently while avoiding obstacles and no fly zones.
  • Weaponized drones equipped with smart target acquisition abilities for highly accurate, automated firing from a standoff distance without putting personnel in harm's way.

Contact us to explore custom autonomous drone solutions tailored for your most pressing national defense needs. We are committed to advancing AI responsibly while solving complex challenges.

Smart City AI Services Smart City AI Services

AI Solutions for Smarter City Management

At Smart Business Systems (SBS), we deliver transformative AI-powered solutions to revolutionize municipal operations, infrastructure monitoring, and service delivery. Our platforms leverage computer vision, real-time analytics, and intelligent automation to build smarter cities. 


Leading Optical Distortion Detection

Our systems specialize in detecting and flagging unauthorized construction projects, dilapidated buildings, improper signage, and other optical distortions that violate regulations. Rapid work order creation ensures quick resolution.


Automated Infrastructure & Asset Surveillance 

Continuous citywide monitoring powered by advanced AI precisely identifies infrastructure damage, public nuisance incidents, vehicle violations, signs of deterioration, and maintenance needs across urban environments.


Real-Time Tracking with Precise Geo-Location

Detected incidents are mapped to exact coordinates via integrated GPS accurate to within 1 meter. This enables rapid dispatch to service issues. Location analytics also reveal spatial patterns. 


Performance Monitoring and Analytics

Leveraging detection data, we generate metrics, insights, and visual dashboards to optimize maintenance routing, contractor SLAs, departmental workflows, and infrastructure investment planning.


Automated Ticketing, Communications and Response

Our platform seamlessly integrates with municipal ticketing systems to automatically create and dispatch work orders to the responsible departments and contractors. Escalation protocols are incorporated. 


Predictive Risk Identification 

Recurring detections and analytics forecast asset deterioration and emerging incidents, allowing proactive risk mitigation. System health monitoring enables preemptive maintenance.


Success Across the Middle East

With proven implementations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Jordan, our teams have the experience to deliver AI-powered solutions tailored to your city’s needs, especially in KSA, & Jordan.


Transform your municipality with leading-edge AI systems. Contact the experts at SBS today to get started.

AI in Space Industry AI in Space Industry

AI Consultancy for Space Agencies' Digital Transformation

At SBS, we provide AI consultancy services to assist governmental space organizations with digital transformation initiatives. We are committed to only working with credible public agencies for socially beneficial purposes.

Responsible AI Governance

We help agencies implement accountability frameworks governing AI systems from development through deployment and monitoring. This ensures alignment with ethical principles and governance policies.

  • HR Management: Implement ethical AI solutions for recruitment, talent identification, capability development, workplace safety and employee wellness that reduce biases and respect privacy.
  • Department KPI Monitoring: Develop or audit existing AI dashboards and metrics tracking systems across departments like science, engineering, community outreach etc. to ensure they align with overarching agency goals related to knowledge creation, operational excellence, sustainability, education and transparent public service.
  • Strategic Decision-Making: Incorporate AI modeling and simulation into long-term planning to responsibly weigh scenarios related to resource allocation, partnership development, economic sustainability, environmental impacts and social returns on investment.
  • With SBS as your governance advisor, space agencies can transform digitally through AI applications that serve the public good while upholding accountability, ethics and purposeful positive impacts.

AI Strategy & Roadmapping

AI Landscape Analysis: Conduct an analysis of the current state and maturity of AI technologies relevant to the space industry. Identify key trends, challenges, and opportunities. Benchmark against other space agencies.

AI Strategy Development: Facilitate strategy sessions and workshops to help agencies define their vision, priorities, and strategic objectives for adopting and utilizing AI. Help them develop comprehensive AI strategies aligned to their mission.


Capability Mapping: Map out agency's existing data, talent, and technological capabilities. Identify capability gaps that need to be built for effective AI adoption.

AI Ethics Framework: Recommend principles and governance frameworks focused on ethical use of AI for the agency's unique context in the public sector space industry.

AI Proof of Value: Define and execute prototype AI projects to demonstrate value and build confidence in AI capabilities relevant to some of the agency's priority use cases.

AI Technology Evaluation: Conduct impartial evaluations of different AI tools and solutions available in the marketplace against the agency's specific requirements.

AI Talent Readiness: Assess talent landscape and readiness for AI. Recommend skilling programs to build competencies.

AI Ethics & Compliance Reviews

Our experts thoroughly assess your AI systems and data practices for discrimination, fairness, transparency and other ethical criteria. We prescribe remediation actions as needed.

AI Program Audits & Optimization 

Via system design reviews and algorithm auditing methods, we identify efficiency gaps in existing AI programs that can be closed through retraining, redeployment or replacement.

AI Capability Building

Upskill your teams on AI best practices tailored to the space sector through our certified deep learning courses. We transfer ethical AI know-how to build internal capability.

With our independent consultancy services, we enable space agencies to transform digitally through trustworthy AI built on ethical foundations. Let's explore how SBS can become your responsible AI advisor.

Strategic Studies Strategic Studies

This service is provided in cooperation with Cultures-Bridge, a Jordanian elite firm for strategic studies and research

For non cyber, non-AI services go to Cultures Bridge Website

For other AI and Cyber-security services in Jordan, kindly contact our exclusive partner there, Venus Planet


AI CCTV Systems for Airports Security AI CCTV Systems for Airports Security

Secure and Intelligent Airport Surveillance with SBS AI

In the fast-paced, security-conscious world of air travel, airports require cutting-edge surveillance solutions to maintain safety and efficiency. SBS is proud to introduce MUSI (Modern Unified Security Intelligence), our AI-powered CCTV system designed to revolutionize airport security.

Advanced Threat Detection
MUSI's AI models are trained on vast datasets of security footage, empowering them to rapidly identify a wide range of potential threats:

- Suspicious behaviors
- Unattended bags and abandoned objects
- Unauthorized access attempts
- Loitering individuals

This real-time threat detection gives your security teams the crucial time they need to respond effectively.

Automated Monitoring and Alerting
Say goodbye to manually scouring hours of footage. MUSI continuously analyzes CCTV feeds, automatically flagging any detected anomalies and notifying your personnel. This frees up your team to focus on high-priority tasks, while ensuring no security breach goes unnoticed.

Powerful Facial Recognition
Integrate MUSI's advanced facial recognition capabilities to quickly identify passengers, staff, and persons of interest. This versatile tool enhances access control, passenger tracking, and incident investigation.

Seamless Integration and Scalability
MUSI seamlessly integrates with your existing airport CCTV infrastructure, minimizing disruption. Our scalable and adaptive platform can grow alongside your evolving security needs, ensuring long-term flexibility.

Robust Cybersecurity
MUSI is built on a foundation of cutting-edge cybersecurity features, including a Next Generation Firewall, Cryptosystem, and comprehensive Log Management. This protects your airport's sensitive data and communication channels, ensuring compliance with industry standards like GDPR, NIST, and PCI-DSS.

Compliance and Reporting
MUSI provides real-time reports and assessments against regulatory frameworks, enabling your airport to demonstrate compliance and maintain full visibility into its security posture.

Unparalleled Redundancy and Cost-Efficiency
Our platform offers the lowest total cost of ownership, with no renewal licensing and minimal maintenance costs. MUSI provides full redundancy, a single intuitive interface, and the option for source-code ownership - ensuring long-term flexibility and control.

Intelligent Airport Operations
Elevate your airport's operational efficiency with MUSI's integrated AI capabilities. Our solutions go beyond security, empowering you to:

- Optimize passenger flow and queue management
- Predict and mitigate disruptions like flight delays
- Enhance resource allocation and asset utilization
- Streamline maintenance and facilities management

By combining advanced surveillance with intelligent data analysis, MUSI provides a comprehensive platform to transform your airport's performance.

Experience the future of airport management today. Contact SBS to learn how MUSI can enhance the safety, security, and operational efficiency of your airport.

For further details, inquiries, kindly send us your contact details to: